
Accelerate your

Sales with Leads Purchases with Insights Innovations with Startups Funding from Investors Investments in Startups

to grow with the innovative & sustainable bioeconomy-shyft

Access 32,000+ startup, investor, company, technology, product & service profiles as well as billions of datapoints via Bioshyft AI while saving time, money, and CO₂ emissions.

Bioshyft covers all Bioeconomy Industries


Agriculture & Forestry


CO2 & Bioresidues / - Waste

Intermediate Products

Bio-Resource Conversion Industries

Biorefinery / Pre-treatment, Biotechnology, Biochemicals- & materials, Biofuels & -energy, and more.

Final Products

Food & Beverages

Bio-based Product Industries

Durable Consumer Products, Construction & Furniture, Fashion & Textiles, and more.

Cross-Industry Enabler

Water & Renewable Energy

General Services

Accelerate your success with our marketplace

Find the most innovative & sustainable Technologies, Products & Services

1K+ solutions on our marketplace with supplier contacts

Funnel feature to shortlist suppliers with your team

Let our Bioshyft Experts & AI scout suppliers for you

Share challenges & get supplier suggestions

Boost your Visibility and get 100x more Leads compared to Starter Membership

Show offerings on a custom-designed & -branded digital booth

Increase leads via references, visitor analytics & email campaigns

Access to 32K+ B2B customer database with company contacts

Respond to industry challenges shared by corporates​

Boost your success with our company database

Scout, compare and analyze startups & innovative projects

10K+ startups with competitor info, pitchdecks & more

Funnel feature to shortlist startups with your team

Let our Bioshyft Experts & AI scout startups for you

Share challenges & get solution suggestions

Example Startup Profile

Get Investor Funding, Corporate Partnerships & Expert Advice

15K+ investors & 6K+ corporates for investment & collaboration

Get free access, save time & let us create your profile for you

Get expert advice to excel your innovation & funding

Respond to innovation challenges

Trusted by leading Bioeconomy Climate-Tech Agriculture & Forestry Food & Beverage Biomaterial Biotechnology Aquaculture Renewable Energy Water Waste Reduction CO2 Removal Experts

Want to create a more sustainable world?​

Thousands of solutions are available. Today.​

Marketplace & Company Database for Bioeconomy Climate-Tech Agriculture & Forestry Food & Beverage Biomaterials Biotechnology Aquaculture Renewable Energy Water Waste Reduction CO2 Removal

Insights 1

Gain Insights from Data

Analyse 32,000+ Organizations & Solutions and billions of datapoints via Bioshyft AI & Industry Experts

Numerous datapoints (e.g., Competitors, Technology Specifications, References), Proprietary Bioeconomy Taxonomy, 4-stage data generation process, Bioshyft AI and Bioshyft & Industry Experts at your fingertips.


Explore Solutions & boost your Sales

Find other and promote your Technologies, Products & Services

Boost your solutions on our marketplace via your custom-branded digital booth, adding customer references, access to visitor analytics, and more.


Engage with Leads and Experts

Chat with potential Customers and promote your Organization & Solutions

Receive notifications & newsletter directly to your email inbox, communicate via direct messaging, schedule calls, bookmark profiles / pages and share content via email and social media.


Assess Opportunities

Screen, prioritize and analyse Opportunities with your Team Members

Get access to our tools like Bioshyft AI or Pipeline Evaluation Feature to collaborate with your team members, receive excel / CSV data exports, and get advice from your Bioshyft & Industry Expert.

Bioshyft's Organization & Solution Database

Uncover the world’s most promising Bioeconomy Players and Solutions. 


like early- and ​late-stage Startups from Pre-seed to Growth Stage.


like Business Angels, Venture Capitalists, Corporate VCs, Private Equity and more.

Discover Corporates & Service Providers

like Enterprises, SMEs, Consultants, Freelancers and more.

Discover Technologies

like Hardware / Machinery and Software.

Discover Products

like Ingredients / Feedstock, B2B and B2C Products.

Discover Services

like Mentorship, Legal, Marketing, Consulting, & other Services.

Detailed public and private market datasets, verified and ever-expanding based on billions of datapoints

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Cut through market & innovation noise with Bioshyft

Explore how our Bioshyft & Industry Experts can help you.

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Global Maps for Bioeconomy Climate-Tech Agriculture & Forestry Food & Beverage Biomaterial Biotechnology Aquaculture Renewable Energy Water Waste Reduction CO2 Removal

Scout Players and Solutions from Bio-based Industries in your region from 32,000+ global entries.

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Join Bioshyft’s fast-growing Platform

Key benefits Bioshyft can offer

Experience benefits way beyond our marketplace & innovation platform.


Get insights on your profile and pages visitors to get more leads.

AI System

Access Bioshyft AI via your Bioshyft & Industry Expert and get tailored solution search results.

Bioshyft & Industry Expert

Your Bioshyft & Industry Expert enables you to get the most out of Bioshyft.

Solution Pipeline
& Analysis Feature

Build you own Opportunity Funnel and analyze opportunities with team members and partner companies.

Add your
custom Branding

Brand & individualize your marketplace pages via custom content blocks & digital booth.


Use our proprietary segmentation logic designed for the Bioeconomy with 5-layer detail level.


32K+ global Bioeconomy Companies and Solutions with multiple datapoints.


Multiple communication, collaboration & sharing features on Bioshyft.

Data Export

Your Bioshyft & Industry Expert can prepare custom data exports for you.

See if Bioshyft is right for you

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